
to Metr. 

Metr provides buyers, renovators, real estate agents and developers in the ACT with a quick, cost effective block analysis report that helps you to purchase a property with confidence.


 Metr explained in 90 seconds

 Know every square metre


Easements and Boundaries

We clearly and accurately outline the property boundaries and easements as well as the land to building ratio permitted.


Protected Trees

We include reference to any listed trees or other environmental impact factors which may impede future building options.


Constraints and Advantages

Get an understanding of the house size and types of renovations that are permissable on an individual block.


of Mind

Our mission is to empower you with accurate information so you can purchase your property with confidence.

Still have questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions:

Get Started with Metr


Metr Block Report

Enter the street address of the property and receive your Metr report in under 2 days. Access it online anytime.


(inc. GST)


  • Pay once, Access anytime
  • Detailed Block Analysis
  • Easements
  • Listed Trees
  • Heritage Status
  • Official Block Size
  • Site Orientation
  • 20% off next report

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sample report.

Download a sample report and see how Metr could assist you in making the right purchasing decision with your next property. Sign up below and a download link will be on it's way to your inbox!


So, who is Metr for?


Home Buyers

Metr helps you to purchase with confidence. Ensure the vision for what you want to achieve on your block is allowed under ACT Planning rules.



Planning to substantially renovate or knock down and rebuild? Metr will tell you what's permissible based on existing ACT Planning requirements.



Real Estate Agents

Give buyers full transparency with a Metr report outlining the type of dwelling allowed on the property according to ACT Planning.


What people love about Metr.


"We were looking to do a knock down rebuild for our forever home. We had fallen in love with a property and were all ready to go to the auction and bid seriously for it. We came across Metr and decided to get a report. The report identified a protected tree in the backyard which would have jeopardised our plans to do a new home with pool.

This information made us reconsider purchasing the property and we decided against bidding. It took all the emotion out of the purchase and lead to us finding a more suitable block that met our needs."


Heidi and Andrew

Griffith, ACT



"I use Metr reports for clients and find the service highly efficient and world class. Working in real estate, it is critical my clients completely understand what they are allowed to build on a site, understand the setbacks of the block, what sort of home can be constructed, the footprint and what registered trees are nearby.

All these components allow my clients to carefully consider the site before deciding whether to purchase or not. The report included all the necessary information that my clients required before making a final decision."


Jason Roses

Verv Property, ACT



"We used Metr reports for two blocks that we were considering ahead of the auctions. These reports were instrumental in helping us decide whether we would ultimately bid or not. As a lay person, it's really hard to know the parameters of a block (eg. any heritage issues - not just with the building itself, but the area) let alone significant trees that may cause issues with your dream house plan!

Plus, there's only so much a real estate agent can (or will) say about the limitations of a property. Getting a sense about what type of house would work on each block ultimately made us favour one block over the other. "


Seeta and Gert

Deakin, ACT


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